The perks of being in the get to travel, A LOT. I went to California this week and boy did I have a freakin' blast!!! From Oakland to San Francisco, I was stoked to be there. I took pictures of a few things...I'll post them later. I saw Coliseum Stadium, aka where the Oakland A's and Oakland Raiders play...I have one word to describe that stadium, GHETTO.
The main thing I wanted to see was the Golden Gate Bridge. I have never felt so fantastically excited in my entire life. There are no words to describe San Fran; it's just an awesome place to be. I'd never live there, they drive like loons there! Muscle beach, well, that's self explanatory.
The main thing I wanted to see was the Golden Gate Bridge. I have never felt so fantastically excited in my entire life. There are no words to describe San Fran; it's just an awesome place to be. I'd never live there, they drive like loons there! Muscle beach, well, that's self explanatory.