Don’t you just wish you could go back in time a reverse things? I do, on a rare occasion. An occasion that never needed an opinion, a lifetime experience to compete with what you just said or just to be plain argumentative. Casual talk turns into a debate. How do people live their lives like that? It’s foolish, especially if it’s for petty things. I don’t ask for people’s opinions; I am completely aware that people are entitled to the their opinions. I wish I was strong without someone there that I know will have my back. I WANT to be a strong individual. I think I am for the most part, however, you will have that obstacle in your face and you will just have to sometimes...bite the bullet.
Take the bull by the horns!
I loathe people who think they know more than you and act like they have lived a thousand years beyond your age. Everyone has had those people whom are exasperating, irksome, vexing and the oh so NOT lovely people in their lives. It’s quite an adventure. In a way it’s a good thing…makes your skin tough and unbreakable. Never let anyone convince you otherwise, stick to your guns and push back. I’m slowly learning to push back. I’m tired of being run down by everyone. Get ready world…don’t make this Puerto Rican get outrageous. J.Cay
Let me just say this to start off, I have lots of gay friends who are near and dear to my heart. I may not agree with their life style, but I don't judge them because of the way they choose to live their life; they are a human being, just like anyone else. I'm tired of hearing about this whole Chick-Fi-Le crap that's going on. I wonder if the CEO is tired of hearing it as well? Yes, the mayor of Boston may fight them away from place their wonderful business in the city, but who are you to judge someone for how they believe life should be? Who are you to make your decisions based off of one person's opinion? Do we not have the rights to declare our opinions to others? Who judges people in the end, not man, but God does. Who are you?! I understand that some people live their lives like they are night and day...DIFFERENTLY. I don't believe in gay marriage. Many young people and some older folks believe that it should be legal in all states. As for my beliefs and my opinions, I will always vote no to gay marriage. Call me old fashioned. It's not in my up bringing and it's not how I choose to see life as homosexual. That lifestyle is an abomination to the Lord. However, people of different generations may agree or disagree with me. That's fine, you are entitled to your opinions fully. Bashing people for how they live or choose to live is not for me to decide. Bashing people as to why they are against it is not for you to judge. Only God can judge and I intend to keep it that way. I am entitled to my opinion. My friends who are gay are not foible people, they are strong personalities that will take on the world and achieve their dreams just like anyone. Only slight difference is, one prefers something the other does not. I'm not writing this blog to piss anyone of, but I'm sure I will get some flack for it. I grew up in a Christian home. I grew up going to church knowing that I would be getting married to a man, not a woman. Once I moved out of the house and was completely on my own, I made my own decisions. I am not your average "think only inside the box" type of woman. I listen to people, they give me what they think is right and vice versa. I LISTEN to what people have to say. I don't throw Jesus and shove Jesus down their throat. I would hope that those people would bestow the same towards me. Not many people of my age are Republican/Conservative like, they like the government taking care of them and being inside their lives completely. I like less government involved and more power for people to handle their own insurance, their own property and their own LIVES. I don't judge people who are gay, I don't judge them in anyway shape or form, and I, like I said before; I hope they bestow the same towards me. That's my take on this. I'm not a subject matter expert, but from what I do know, I will express how I feel about it. Bam. J. Cay.