Monday, October 29, 2012

Judge Me Not...

     Judgement. That's the word I choose to veer away from. People of today's society, judge in every way, shape, and form. If you're not perfect, get ready to be judged! Society is evil. Society can be negative. During Bible times, there was only one Judge, one person whom people answered to when their life was not up to par...God. It's true, in my opinion, that today's society just does not want to acknowledge that it's still that way. I've grown up hearing all the negative about someone, never ever, positive things. This person is evil, that person is not living their life correctly, you need to be more like Christ...hearing this as a 13 year old, I now realize how negative it truly was. 

Who's to decide your life, eternity, and everything else? = GOD
     The definition of judgment: "opinions are usually written by a single judge". How is it possible that everyone wants that entitlement? Why do people have such strong opinions about something that makes them feel the need to judge others? Is it because they were once judged about the same thing as the person they have their finger pointed at now? Thank you society for making it difficult to be yourself. I refuse to justify anything to anyone. I have not done so in 3 years of moving out on my own, and I don't plan on starting that up yet again. I know what it's like to be bullied, I know what it's like to judge someone, and then be judge against. 

J. Cay.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

The Quadrants of People...

     It's been a while since I have written anything. It's now October. I'm still deployed in Afghanistan and will be until January-ish. Things that people do on a deployment are extremely interesting. The more I "chill" around this camp, the more I realize how the rest of the world operates. There are 4 kinds of people I have observed: the independent, the dependent, the sleazy, and the down right annoying people.

1.) The independent /  Google's definition: Free from outside control; not depending on another ones authority. Most people that are independent seem to love their status. It empowers them to a whole different level. Independents are usually single, some are also married, and some that forget they have a significant other. Why do people forget that...Is it because people are far from their loved ones that they are trying to find love in all the wrong places? I place myself in this category. I am single and love the life I live. I have a great job, I have a condo that is just fabulous, and a dog who is forever there for me. At this point, being deployed, I feel like I am stuck between independent and the dependent.

2.) The dependent/ Google's definition: a person who relies on another. Before I go into a simple detail, I would like to say...all of what I am writing is my own opinion. I am entitled to it and intend to keep it that way. Now, back to the subject. Dependents are those that need comfort and sympathy for all or most of their actions. I am not stating that they a weak, by all means. My observation here is, everyone needs someone. I think everyone is dependent in some way or another.

3.) The Sleazy/ Google's definition: Sordid, corrupt, or immoral. Everyone is nasty in some ways or another. My personal experience, people are just plain nasty. This is just my observation.  I won't go into detail, but man, some people have no respect for themselves.

4.) The Down Right Annoying people/ Google definition: Causing irritation or annoyance: "annoying habits". I work in a customer service job. I love it when I am not even done with doing my job and someone has to jump the gun and tell me to finish my job. REALLY. Some people just need to pipe down and relax. That is all they need to do.

Just trying to relieve stress and express my feelings. Those are my thoughts for this evening. Peace out.


Thursday, October 4, 2012

The One Year Anniversary...

WORLD! It's been exactly one year since I started my blog. Wowza!  I went back to read all my old blogs and man, what a trip down memory lane it was. :) Another year, another year of more blogs. So excited. Life is getting fabulous. Peace, love and hikes.

J.Cay ( and nope, I'm not kidding! )