Wednesday, March 27, 2013

I will not be persecuted for my belief.

I don't even know how to express how I currently feel with all of this commotion going on about marriage equality. I'm so tired of this bull sh**. Let me explain something to those of you reading this out there...I am in no way being a racist, bigoted, terrorists ( although some may say I am since apparently all Republicans are...) , judgmental or whatever the hell you want to call it. I am getting in the flesh here people and my choice of words may be bothersome to people, but my blood is boiling and currently I want to be expressive ( more than usual).

 I am NOT in agreement with a marriage that is between a man and a man OR a woman between a woman. I will never bend and I will never accept that it is "normal". With that being said, I am NOT at all in any way, shape, or form hateful towards that individual that CHOOSES that lifestyle. What someone does with their life is their business. It is not my place, nor my desire to tell someone or ridicule someone for what they do in their life. In fact, I have tons of gay and lesbian friends ( not all, but some) who are very understanding of why I believe the way I believe. I LOVE THAT. We can choose to agree to disagree and not bash each other for what we think is right.

I am exhausted by this whole Facebook red box, pink equal sign which signifies marriage equality vomiting on my wall. Yes, I know it's petty. I just want to say, that it's super funny when someone who says that all Christians shove God down their throat when in reality, it's not even the case anymore. The tables have definitely turned and I feel that homosexuality is being shoved down every one's throat. Whether it's by social media or by real life instances, it's in your face ALL THE TIME. So when I share something on my own wall about something I agree that shouldn't be valid, BAM, I get slammed by someone who apparently thought I was for gay marriage. No bucko! I am a firm believer in a traditional Godly marriage.

Why don't we focus on what has been an issue for many, many years?...Abortion. That's something to fight hard for. Innocent children have been MURDERED. That's less important than gay rights? Are you kidding me?? How about child equality. All children are born, not murdered. Can that happen? Oh wait, no, it can't, because that is not their choice. The mom has the choice because it's her body right? NO, WRONG. That child is in it's own body, not apart of the mother. It's a living being and should be fought for more than any other issues.

Someone may tell me, stop bringing religion into politics, but excuse me, who are you? Who are you to tell me what I can and cannot do? You ask me the same thing when you want your gay marriage rights to be legal. NO. I pray that this country would pull their heads out of the sand and realize what this country was founded on...Christian principles. Don't give me that line of separation of church and state...maybe you should look it up because you are a moron ( yes, I said it, go ahead and judge me ) for thinking that it doesn't apply.

I am tired of people coming after me as if I committed murder when I voice my opinion or share an opinion of someone with like beliefs. I see alot of my friends who are non-believers post or share or comment on something that is HIGHLY offensive to me, yet you don't see me slamming them for what they believe to be true. I opt to be the bigger person and just pray for them that they may have a change of heart. I don't want any one's opinion getting to me, but when you thought you had a friend who you agreed to disagree then slam you for something that they already knew, makes my heart hurt.

I'm not saying that I'm holier than thou. Every sin is still a sin. No matter how "large" or how "small". Everyone is a sinner, including me. Everyone has their mistakes, their faults and their life choices they choose to make. Only God can be your judge and everyone else is only here to make you accountable for your decisions whether it is good, bad or indifferent. Just like my last blog entry quoted, God will love you at your darkest. He won't leave us...ever, unless we decide to full walk away. Good night world.

Rant over,

J. Cay