Saturday, October 8, 2011

Saturday night...

Why is it when I have a Saturday night off, I don't do a DANG thing?? Lord, I must be getting old!!! Not a good sign. I'm listening to Queen ( best band known to man), doing laundry, watching TV (which nothing is ON) and blogging. Something has got to give! I'm turning into an old old woman. GROSS. I don't even like going out to "party" or drink obnoxious drinks anymore. Why is that? I have no life, I guess. HA! I'd rather be a responsible adult tonight, thanks. :) 

I think my evenings turn into either paying bills, worrying about money, hours in the day and making lists of things I need to do by the end of the week. Is this really me or just a figment of my imagination sinking in? Sometimes I wonder what life would be like if I made different choices on what I should do with my Saturdays. Heck, I might just go buy an unhealthy amount of candy and stuff my face since my life is lame tonight. Wahoo for broke college student! That's me, loud and clear. What a lovely blog I wrote. Sounds awful, but it was in the heat of the moment and I think that I'll just roll with it. Happy Saturday to all those who will bust a move tonight! :D

J. Cay

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