Tuesday, October 4, 2011


     Hello world! My thoughts are put out on my blogs. I hope you enjoy reading about my life stories as much as I enjoy living them. :) 

 The battle of school has been challenging. I came to Northern Arizona University with the intentions of getting a B.S. in Nursing, but I am slowly learning that my plan has become null and void. What's best for a person? I mean really...you spend all your childhood years dreaming of what you want to do when you grow up and then BAM, life spins you in an about face. People think they have their plans all figured out, well, at least I did. Coming from a school which demanded and robbed you of your every being to transferring to a school who LOVES you, is a great feeling. Switching my major had me in a bit of a fright since I was a science major, now going into a business major.The best part about it is... instead of having a million credits to knock out, I only have 27 credits left to go for that little piece of paper that means oh so much to many companies.  

      I have dedicated my life to school, much like everyone else in the world. I am tenacious when it comes to school. Grabbing that bull by the horns and making a much needed decision to carry on with a different career choice was not a bad thing.  Living where I can do outdoor activities has also inspired me to work for a company who thinks the same way. Life is good. 

J. Cay

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