Monday, December 31, 2012

Be Enthusiastic About Life!

This year, 2012...

Umpteen changes happened in my life this year. With that being said, I have changed as well. As I reminisce on this past year, I realize that I will never forget it. The beginning started rough, the middle was rough, and the end worked out into a nice breeze for this year. I will remember the good, the bad, and the ugly. I've embraced certain people and later on, burned the very bridge that was built. I stayed negative for the most part. I look back and wonder what went wrong with my life this year. I was slapped across the face with the thought of fruition that I was never openly happy with myself.

I've decided to only have one New Year's resolution. I sometimes think that these resolutions are bogus to a certain extent. I often wonder why people do make these resolutions, then at the end of the year, never succeed to fulfill most of them. It's like we want to change, but our own circumstances hinder our longing of becoming that "changed" individual. I've made plenty of changes in my life, some for the better and some far worse than before. So I pose this question to you all... Why do people make New Year's Resolutions? Why must we change? Are we changing for us, or for someone else? Are you going to remain positive and be you, OR are you going to pretend to be happy for someone else?

Don't doubt yourself...find yourself
I moved out on my own 3 years ago, moved to a new city, a new place to call home, new school, new people to meet, and new terrain. I would have never thought of moving to the place I did, or to accomplish the things I already have. I was always being told that I have changed. I'm not a little girl anymore. I wanted to learn my lessons and find out what life was like outside the box. I took a leap of bravery and made everyday count. Frankly, when someone tells you, "You've changed", it simply means, you've stopped living your life, their way.

This year was mentally challenging to me. I'm a strong willed woman, and I faced other strong willed people. I needed to find myself alone and frail to really find myself standing on my own, brave and taking on this world, one day at a time. I'll admit that this year was the most depressing. I felt vulnerable to the world. I felt like everyone could see my imperfections and I needed to hide. I was tired of letting people think for me, speak for me, walk my life for me...I just needed to be an adult, a growing adult.

I want to do what I want to do this time. No looking back, no what if's, and's or but's. Life was meant to be lived forward, not backwards. I thought I knew moving up here for school I'd become a nurse and achieve to receive my B.S.N. Well, negative thoughts on, "what if I can't do this" , "I don't think I'm smart enough", started to run through my head. If you think negative, you'll get negative. I ended up briskly changing my career choice and thought I was happy. Turns out, I was more embarrassed that I didn't finish what I had started. My lesson that I learned this year, don't let anyone tell you that you're not good enough to live out your dream. My other lesson I've learned and I always tell people, never settle for less than what you deserve.

The New Year's Resolutions.

#1. I'm going to remain positive this year. ( Yes, one resolution )

I will not feel like I must settle, feel defeated or feel the need to quit. 2012 was a year that I came to apprehend who I needed to be. From this starting point, I will love myself more and more each day. I love how I have found myself and I need to accept myself for being true. Flaws and all, I am going to take this new year and do it how I see fit. 2013 is going to be a stupendous year and I can't wait to be me this time around. You don't have to be an extraordinary person, to extraordinary things!

J. Cay

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